I can't believe I'm already 6 months old!! I just keep growing! I had my 6 months checkup/shots today. If I were old enough, mom and dad would have given me a sucker because I did so well. I screamed for maybe 3 seconds, and then was all smiles. Good thing for my thighs-maybe those chubby little things helped that! I weigh 17 lbs, 3 ounces and am 26 1/4 inches long which puts me in the 75th percentile. Since last month, I am starting to talk alot. I can say "ta ta ta ta" and "da da da" over and over. I don't have any teeth yet, but mom and dad think its only got to be a matter of time. I've been drooling even more and even a little fussier. I also have been getting very spoiled having mom and dad around the house more since dad's home yet from his injury. I tend to use this to my advantage. The days of just sitting in my bouncer or swing for an hour are over-I don't like to sit still anymore and if I cry enough, I usually get my way-I've got them right where I want them! I have even thrown my first temper tantrum. The other day, I had a pacifier clip in my hand and wanted their attention, so I just started throwing it against the highchair tray, over and over. I can really get my arm swinging. I have started to try and sit up by myself-I think it's going to take a little more time. One more thing I can do is put my feet in my mouth now-it is the cutest thing! Hopefully I can get a picture of that soon to post.
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