It's been awhile since I've posted the latest on Pat's injury. Things are going much better now. He ended up having his picc line in for 7 weeks, with me giving him antibiotics once a day through it. He got that removed just last week, so that took care of his weekly trips to the infectious disease Dr and Walgreens home health care. Yesterday Pat had his appt with the surgeon to see if the progress is enough right now that he won't need any more surgeries (either going in and stretching the scar tissue or putting in a cadaver tendon), and he got the great news that things are going just as planned so doesn't look like any more surgeries are in his future!! He also gave him the ok to go back to work half days-which, he already started doing that on Monday. He got too impatient sitting at home. He will have some swelling for the next 4 to 6 months and will walk with a slight limp for the next year/year & a half. Pat still has to continue his physical therapy once a week, but it has made some great improvements for him and he is really enjoying that part of it. He is now out of his boot for half days and wearing regular shoes, so he comes home from work and kicks his feet up, and as a bonus gets to play video games on his computer until the swelling goes down. Overall, things are going very well. Pat was told he won't run again, but he's got the determination and mindset that he's not ruling that out. He may not be able to do alot of things as he used to, but is looking to get back into hunting, more fishing, camping, and on the positive side he can drink beer doing all the above!
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