Sunday, May 31, 2009

Olivia's first swimming pool

We got Olivia her first swimming pool today with her own cute little floaties. She absolutely LOVES the water! (but not so much the floaties-they didn't last long). She was having such a great time until some dark clouds were heading over with some thunder so we got her out and then she threw a fit. Our friends Mike, Val, and Katie came over for a bbq so the girls got back in-Olivia with just her diaper and top this time. The sun never did come back out so it was a little cool but that didn't stop Olivia from splashing around for another half hour. Good thing for her cute chunky thights-otherwise I think she would have been wearing her diaper around her ankles! I'll definitely have to get some swimmer diapers.
I know how I'll be spending our afternoons from now on. I'm sure she'll be crawling out that doggy door yet to get to the pool! Look for more pool pictures to come from days ahead!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

OMG the floaties are hilarious....