Today we went to our daycare, Lisa's house, to help them put up their new jungle gym for the kids. All the day care kids' parents were there to help out. Well-the women chased the kids while the men did the work. The weather wasn't the best-cold and windy-but had a good time.

Olivia and her friend, Ziva. They have such a love-hate relationship: they are the best of buds and have a blast together, but also fight like crazy. Olivia's been in more time outs for scratching, hitting, and pulling her hair.

1 comment:
I can't not even believe how big she is getting! Lucas and Jonas looked at pictures of her on here and Lucas asked "Mom, when is "livi" coming back to our house?" Then he asked if you could move back so we could take care of Olivia and the new baby! Hahaha so dang cute!!! I miss you guys all the time--but I can see from the pictures that you all are happy and so blessed to be around your family!
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