Happy Easter! Hope everyone had a Blessed Holiday. We spent Saturday & Sunday in Algona at Pat's parents. Olivia had a great time with her cousins, and of course getting a visit from the Easter Bunny!

We missed getting to see Grandpa and Grandma Driscoll for Easter this year so they sent Olivia a nice Easter basket filled with goodies...she loves her new bunny & froggie pj's! Thank you!

In Algona we went to the Y swimming. It took a bit for Olivia to get too far into the water, but once she braved the slide, she was up and down it the rest of the time.

Pat, Olivia, Kaden, and Chloe

Decorating Easter eggs...It looked so good that Olivia of course tried drinking the orange water!

Easter Sunday family pic

Grandma and Grandpa with Jack, Kaden, Lilly, Olivia, Jason, and Chloe. G & G had given all the kids recorded books of them reading a story to them. Olivia's book is Curious George. She loves hearing their voices reading!

The kids getting in line from youngest to oldest to start the Easter egg hunt!

Olivia on the go getting as many eggs as she can! The yard was still a little wet, so we put on her rain boots-she just loves wearing them!

Olivia and Mommy with all of "our" goodies!
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