Happy Thanksgiving! Hope everyone had a great weekend. We were especially thankful this year to be able to spend some time with both sides of the family. Thursday we went to Algona to spend Thanksgiving Day with Pat's family. Along with his parents, we spent it with the Chad Froehlich's, McNeese's, and the Redings. Olivia of course just loved playing with her cousins. Chloe taught her a few new dance moves (see pictures below)-it was quite the thing to see! We drove home Thursday night b/c I had to work all day Friday. When I got off work at 5:30, we headed out for the 6 hour drive to Gettysburg. We pulled in just after midnight, and much to our surprise everyone (minus Dan & Ryan were waiting up for us). Olivia did her usual 25 minute nap the whole trip-but was a pretty good traveler considering the distance/time. On Saturday the guys all went hunting-some pheasant, some deer. Saturday night we went to church and then out to eat to celebrate my parent's 40th Wedding Anniversary (which is Dec 4th). Congratulations to them on such a wonderful milestone. Sunday we had our Thanksgiving meal-it was great to have my family all together. Thanks to everyone for a nice Thanksgiving-we truly are thankful for all our family and being so close to share the Holidays with them.

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

Grandma and Grandpa with all the grandkids

Olivia sledding at G & G Driscoll's. She loves being outside as much in the winter as she does in the summer.

Olivia, Bella, and Anna playing in the snow

Chloe teaching Olivia the sprinkler-O had gotten the so adorable outfit from the McNeese's-Thanks Again :)

More of the sprinkler :)

And of course....the worm
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