I thought I better get the blog updated with our fun Halloween pictures before Thanksgiving gets here. We had so much fun this year taking Olivia around for her first trick or treating. There is a street here in town with about a 5-6 block stretch that really gets decked out for the night. Olivia and I went up to the first house. After getting her candy, Olivia just stared at the person and I had to keep telling her time to go. Then as she walked down their sidewalk, she kept looking back at the house, wondering what just happened. It took a few houses, but she eventually, on her own, and in the sweetest voice, said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" at each house. There were a few scary houses that she wasn't to sure about and we had to skip, but overall had a great time.

All ready to go Trick or Treating

Olivia and all her candy-gotta love Halloween!

Olivia opening up her Halloween Silly Bands from G & G Driscoll. Also in the package was an Olivia Halloween book & shirt. Olivia was also spoiled from G& G Froehlich with some Halloween loot. Thanks to all!

Olivia dancing and singing "wiggle your hips, wiggle your hips". This tutu/skirt has become an almost daily necessity to every outfit.

We took Olivia to the ECFE Halloween party at the school. (Above) Olivia got in a game of Plinko. Unfortunately it wasn't for a chance to win $50,000 in cash, but instead she took home a post-it pad (there is a 3-M factory here & they help sponsor alot) Below was her favorite station hammering in some tees into a pumpkin. (You can't tell by the picture, but she did thoroughly enjoy it.)

Olivia using her monkey abilites and attempting the climbing wall.
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