Friday, December 31, 2010
Dah Damnit
I have a cute Olivia story for the day-seems like she's always coming up with something new, but this one takes the cake. This morning I was changing her, and she had a pop-tart in her hand and dropped it and it fell into some crumbs. In all seriousness, she says "dah damnit". I of course chuckled a little and asked her "what did you say?" and she responds "I ted, dah damnit." In the most serious voice that I could get at the time-I replied that we don't say those words....and then I had to tell Pat the same thing ;)
Happy New Year!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful 2010 & will have an even better 2011! We are here in New Ulm, but supposed to be in IA celebrating the New Year & Christmas at Pat's families. Between the freezing rain, sleet, snow, we weren't able to make it today. I had to work until 5:30 and just didn't want to travel at night with the weather, but crossing our fingers to be able to get out first thing in the morning.
Merry Christmas!!
I'm so late with getting these pictures posted. Time just gets away from me. We spent Christmas in Sioux Falls with my family and had a great weekend. Olivia is really growing up, and was fun to see her with all the excitement and spirit of the holiday with the family. She was such a good kid this year that Santa, along with Grandma and Grandpa, really spoiled her. Among her top favorites are her Kai Lan coloring book, pink computer, baby, play do, and zhu zhu pets.
Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa after church.

Santa visited Olivia at Uncle Justin's house Christmas morning! Here she is opening up her new baby doll she's been asking for.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Olivia's visit to Santa Claus
Santa Claus has made a couple stops to my work in the last couple weeks. I would have bet the farm that Olivia would have bawled and ran the other way (that's about how it went last year) but she absolutely LOVED him! We've been prepping her for him and telling her what a nice man he is, and that she will get to sit on his lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas. When I picked her up from daycare to go see him, I asked her what she was going to ask for, and her answer was "drums"...Drums?? What happened to dolls? Maybe it's inherited. I played the drums all through school but that was only because I couldn't hold my breath long enough to play any other instrument. But anyway, once we got there, she walked right up to him and sat on his lap and just had a great time. It was priceless. She had thankfully forgotten about the drums and asked for a doll. Makes me happy. After awhile, I was over talking with some co-workers and happened to look over to Olivia and Santa and Olivia was sitting on the ledge and they were having a conversation about Coco (our dog). It was the cutest thing. Santa is going to be back Saturday, so we may have to go for another visit when I have my camera along (the pics are courtesy of NU Telecom).

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Bums
We've been snowed in pretty much since Friday night with our blizzard. We didn't get quite as much as the cities, but probably about 10 inches. Molly and the boys were supposed to come visit for the weekend, but stayed put because of the weather. So what you see below is what we did. We would have loved to have taken Olivia sledding as long as we had the abundance of snow, but the temperatures were just too cold to have her out. So it was definitely a weekend of movies, scrapbooking, football, and snuggling.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010
This and that of the week.
I don't have too many photos lately, but should be writing about everything Olivia is up to. She is busy as ever, and talks non-stop. Whether it be repeating everything she hears, asking "what's this" or "why?" to everything, or tattling on her dolls, she is ALWAYS talking! It is just amazing the stuff she comes up with and learns and I hope to remember these moments forever. Here are some favorites for the week:
-Pat brings his backpack to work everyday and whenever she asks him where he's going and why-she responds, "To make the money?" So, the other day, Olivia put on her little back pack and went to the back door as if to leave. I asked her where she was going and she said "I'm going to da office. To make da money."
-She's also gotten a pen out and started drawing and told Pat that she was doing her homework.
-Olivia loves Sesame Street, and has fun mimicking The Count. The other morning I heard her in her crib talking to her dolls, saying "1 Ha Ha Ha, 2 Ha Ha Ha" and then she went on to say her dinner prayers to the dolls. "In the name of the fader, and da son, and da howy spirdit, amen"
I don't go a moment without smiling when I think of Olivia. She is such an amazing little girl and we are having so much fun in these learning stages and look forward to everyday as I ask myself "What will she think of and/or say next"
Olivia trying to put my hair in a pony.
We got an American Girl doll catalogue in the mail the other day. Olivia loves looking at it-I'm so glad she is too young to understand the importance of having her very own!
Olivia and I watching Jib Jab videos on the computer yesterday-we put our faces into quite a few different Christmas ones and watched them over, and over, and over. And then woke up today, and did the same thing. 
-Pat brings his backpack to work everyday and whenever she asks him where he's going and why-she responds, "To make the money?" So, the other day, Olivia put on her little back pack and went to the back door as if to leave. I asked her where she was going and she said "I'm going to da office. To make da money."
-She's also gotten a pen out and started drawing and told Pat that she was doing her homework.
-Olivia loves Sesame Street, and has fun mimicking The Count. The other morning I heard her in her crib talking to her dolls, saying "1 Ha Ha Ha, 2 Ha Ha Ha" and then she went on to say her dinner prayers to the dolls. "In the name of the fader, and da son, and da howy spirdit, amen"
I don't go a moment without smiling when I think of Olivia. She is such an amazing little girl and we are having so much fun in these learning stages and look forward to everyday as I ask myself "What will she think of and/or say next"

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Daycare was 50/50
Olivia did "ok" at daycare last week. She got stickers 2 out of the 4 days. We were so happy for her those 2 days! She missed one day b/c we took her in to the ER Mon night at 12:30AM-she woke up wheezing & sounded like her throat was almost swelling shut. It was a very scary experience for Pat and I. Turned out she had croup, so Pat stayed home with her Tuesday. She is doing much better now. This weekend we stayed put for the most part. Pat stayed at Molly's in the cities on Friday night-he was supposed to have a seminar all day Saturday, but left that morning back home because of the blizzard. It took him 3 hours to get here instead of 1 & 1/2 hours-he wasn't sure if he could straighten out his fingers by the time he got home. He white-knuckled it the whole way. Today we watched the Vikings lose again-but the Bears (Pat's team) beat them so turned out to be a good thing. The picture below is the only picture, believe it or not, that I took all week (& from my phone). We sent it to Pat Friday night-his girls we're missing him. Well-Olivia just came up to me tattling on her baby over & over- "Baby took my band-aid" I better go check this out...never a dull moment!

Monday, November 8, 2010
A Successful Day at Daycare!
Lisa at daycare has been working with Olivia on not pinching, hitting, and scratching. The victim is a little girl named Zeva, who is just a little younger than Olivia. I believe Zeva gets in her pushes too-but still no excuse. Last Monday Lisa started a little incentive program for the kids. If there is none of the aforementioned behavior going on, they get to pick out some stickers at the end of the day. Well, last week Monday came and went and no stickers. Tuesday-same thing. Wednesday, Olivia drew blood with her scratching across Zeva's face. Thursday-nada, and why start something good on the last day of the week-Friday was a zilch for the stickers too. But today-OLIVIA CAME HOME WITH STICKERS!!! She even got a Congratulations certificate. I think Lisa was quite proud of her. And so are we. Let's hope she follows suit the rest of the week. I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Happy Halloween
I thought I better get the blog updated with our fun Halloween pictures before Thanksgiving gets here. We had so much fun this year taking Olivia around for her first trick or treating. There is a street here in town with about a 5-6 block stretch that really gets decked out for the night. Olivia and I went up to the first house. After getting her candy, Olivia just stared at the person and I had to keep telling her time to go. Then as she walked down their sidewalk, she kept looking back at the house, wondering what just happened. It took a few houses, but she eventually, on her own, and in the sweetest voice, said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" at each house. There were a few scary houses that she wasn't to sure about and we had to skip, but overall had a great time.
All ready to go Trick or Treating
Olivia and all her candy-gotta love Halloween!
Olivia opening up her Halloween Silly Bands from G & G Driscoll. Also in the package was an Olivia Halloween book & shirt. Olivia was also spoiled from G& G Froehlich with some Halloween loot. Thanks to all!
Olivia dancing and singing "wiggle your hips, wiggle your hips". This tutu/skirt has become an almost daily necessity to every outfit.
We took Olivia to the ECFE Halloween party at the school. (Above) Olivia got in a game of Plinko. Unfortunately it wasn't for a chance to win $50,000 in cash, but instead she took home a post-it pad (there is a 3-M factory here & they help sponsor alot) Below was her favorite station hammering in some tees into a pumpkin. (You can't tell by the picture, but she did thoroughly enjoy it.)

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Olivia and Baby Beans
Olivia has a new favorite doll-Baby Beans. She's got jelly beans on her outfit, hence the name. Baby Beans goes everywhere Olivia goes now. The other night I came into the living room to find Olivia showing Baby Beans all the toys in the new Toy's R Us magazine. She had her right on her lap, talking to her about it. Of course once the camera came out, the scenario changed a little, but it was cute as can be. However, her little cuteness isn't always cute. This same day Olivia spent some time in time out at day care for punching, hitting in the back, and pulling hair. We're going through quite the phase with her now. I love all her new vocabulary & she's doing a very good job at putting sentences together, but sometimes it's "Don't talk to me", "Don't wook (look) at me", "Don't sing to me (which I can understand)" or the latest one "Don't kiss me on the head" or the Miss Independence really coming out "Don't help me" Can you say terrible two's?

These two pictures are from yesterday. Olivia's daycare had a Halloween Party for all the kids, and she came home with quite the bag of candy. She was feeding Baby Beans her Milk Duds, and came to me with the half empty box and chocolate drooling down her mouth, saying "Baby beans don't wike them". Obviously Olivia does.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Jack!
Our nephew Jack had his 4th birthday costume party this weekend and all the kids were dressed up so cute. They painted pumpkins, played with balloons, had yummy pumpkin cupcakes, and got pumpkin buckets full of candy. What a party!
The cutest Minnie Mouse ever!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
More opening pheasant pics
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