Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cora is 18 months old!

Our little Cora, aka Cora Bora (not my favorite nickname) Cora Lea, Peanut, Half Pint, Curly Q, Cutie Pa Tootie, is 18 months old!  So hard to believe-especially because she doesn't grow and still remains to be light as ever! (at her 15 month she was still in the 25th-30th percentile for ht & wt). She is beyond words a joy to have around. She and Olivia are the bestest of friends one moment and frenemies the next. They are at the age where they want just what the other one has. But, for the most part, they play real well together. If anything, Olivia loves on her too much with her strong squeezes and hugs. It's been so fun to have 2 girls and see the sister-bond with them. Cora is starting to talk more and more. She jabbers quite a bit but some of the words used most are bye, hi, no no no (alot), ya-ya (Olivia), momma, dada, amma (Grandma) ampa (Grandpa) and help & more (when you ask her to use them). She absolutely loves food, which is a mystery as to where it goes and always wants in her highchair for her favorites-hotdogs, mac & cheese, applesauce, veggies (green beans, carrots, peas), fruits (bananas & oranges), crackers, and chips. She does not like sweets-which is completely opposite of Olivia. And unfortunately, is allergic to ice cream/milk, peanuts, and egg whites (all to an extent). We had her tested for allergies at 15 months and those, along with dog and pet dander came back positive. She only tested really high to the egg whites, but just recently, on 2 separate occasions, had given her a bite of a peanut butter cookie and ice cream and she got very sick from them. She can still do her daily recommendation for dairy, but just really reacted to the icecream.
Cora also loves her toys-among her favorites are her Baby Beans doll (and many others), Minnie Mouse (she LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Tiger, building blocks, books, her kitchen, and playing in her room. She loves to play peek-a-boo, to snuggle with us and her blanket (which is the best), and to steal Daddy's spot on the couch when he gets up-and then laughs and laughs. She loves to climb things- especially into her highchair, and as we just realized-out of her highchair. She was strapped in, with the tray on and eating. I had gone downstairs to switch laundry and heard a thud. I came up and she had maneuvered her little self out and fell onto the floor-not even sure from what heigth, but thankfully she only cried for a second.  
I captured some really good pictures below of her beautiful goldilocks and blue eyes, but she's not one to smile or pose for the camera alot-so they don't capture all of her fun and bright personality, but she's quite the Cora and I can't wait to see what her fun and oh so loving self has to offer :) 

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