My smily happy baby is 5 months old! Cora's personality is really coming out. She is such a cuddler, and is happy go lucky all the time. She and Olivia are really becoming quite the sisters and friends. As soon as Olivia walks up to her, Cora lights up and smiles and giggles. Olivia is really good to her-she does get a little
too excited at times and gets to squeezing a little hard. But, she knows her limits. Cora is quite the talker too-I thought as much as Olivia loves to talk, Cora would be the quite one & leave it all up to big sissy, but Cora loves to hear her own voice too by squeeling and doing her cute little screams. She is also loving to such her thumb & fingers, and even tries her whole fist. She loves her paci, but I think we're going to have a thumb sucker too. She's sleeping a little better/longer since we've added rice cereal to her bottles-but still in the car seat. Hopefully soon she'll transition to the crib. Cora also holds her own bottle now-it's about 50/50 if she'll do it though. Just another sign she's getting a little older :( Looking forward though to see what our beauty is doing at 6 months.

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