Even though it's only been a few weeks since my last post, it seems I have alot of catching up to do! The move to Sioux Falls was a long & exhausting weekend. We had a lot of good help & appreciate all those that did. We're somewhat settled in here-still have a few boxes here and there to get unpacked & things on the wall. We're really loving being here & feels like home. I knew I missed Sioux Falls but forgot just how much until now. It took a little adjusting for Olivia-she really misses her old house & "it misses me too" she would say. Not going to Lisa's also was a big adjustment, but it's getting better. We're just having a hard time still with her nap time & bed time. Not sure if it's an age thing, or just the overall adjustment from the move, but it's a struggle every day. Any suggestions from anybody?
Last weekend we celebrated my mom's 60th birthday and had a surprise party for her on Saturday. Sunday we had Cora's baptism. Pat's parents as well as my family were here to celebrate the special occasions-pictures to come. Right now Olivia is sleeping and Cora is just about too so maybe it's nap time for me too :)

Cora is holding her head up pretty good & sits in her bumbo-not sure she likes it that well yet though. Of course Big Sister has to have her turn too :)
Olivia and I at the park-enjoying one of the last few nice days before the snow hits!
Our beautiful Cora! She loves to watch and tries to grab at the toys hanging from her floor mat.

My Aunt Jill came for a couple days to help with the girls while I got things unpacked. Izabella spent the night with us & they made some delicious cupcakes!
Happy Halloween! We went trick or treating with Justin, Jessica, Caden, and Dan. Justin hooked up a flat bed to his four wheeler & threw some hale bays onto it & we went around his development area. It was such a nice night for the time of year. Olivia was a cute little cowgirl & loved trick or treating!

Moving Day! It took a Uhaul, 3 trailers, and 7 vehicles but we made it to Sioux Falls!! What a long day!

After a couple days of unpacking, Olivia is pooped! It's rare she falls asleep on her own, but she had no problem here!
Olivia and her daycare provider, Lisa. On Olivia's last day, she threw a big Halloween party for all the kids. This is one of the hardest parts about leaving New Ulm-Olivia absolutely loved Lisa & all the kids. It's going to be tough on her not going there :(

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