Cora is 2 months old today. She definitely is our snuggly baby. She loves to smile, and has the cutest little flirtatious look about her. She sometimes will be smiling at you and then shys away & turns her head into you. So cute :) Cora's still not sleeping through every night, but we do get 2-3 nights of her sleeping from about 10pm-6am, so I'll take that. Cora and Olivia have been in daycare now for a week and it's been going pretty well for both. I'm missing my girls terribly, but we have the best daycare so that helps. Big sister Olivia is doing quite well with her, and loves on her alot. Other than that, Cora does what every other 2 month old baby does. She's been such a good baby & we are enjoying her so much!
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