*She loves her baby dolls. Olivia has quite a few & they all get the same attention. We've noticed that she'll comfort them & tell them "It's ok. Mommy's here". But she keeps busy feeding them, wrapping them in their blankets, and reading to them. She'll be quite the little helper for me.
*Olivia first and foremost loves the outdoors. I know all kids do-but I think she particularly does. The first thing she asks when she's up at 6:30/7 is to go outside. She's even been caught "peeing like a boy" out by her swingset. She loves to swing, ride her trike, play with chalk, bubbles, you name it.
*A few of her favorite foods are bananas, cinnamon brown sugar pop tarts (she could eat these every snack & meal), cucumbers, pizza, "macn n' cheese", and mr freezes.
*For the past few months, she has been able to recognize the upper case alphabet randomly. She knows most of the lower case, but still working on a few of them.
*Olivia loves to talk as well-she goes and goes and goes. She has a very good memory of things & also quite the imagination. She'll definitely keep her teachers busy when the time comes!

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