My little girl is now 3! Hard to believe. She has really become quite the little sweetheart, but don't let this cute little face fool you. She can be quite naughty too-I think half of it's her age, and half b/c of her new little sister. Some of the things she's been up to & favorites are:
*She loves her baby dolls. Olivia has quite a few & they all get the same attention. We've noticed that she'll comfort them & tell them "It's ok. Mommy's here". But she keeps busy feeding them, wrapping them in their blankets, and reading to them. She'll be quite the little helper for me.
*Olivia first and foremost loves the outdoors. I know all kids do-but I think she particularly does. The first thing she asks when she's up at 6:30/7 is to go outside. She's even been caught "peeing like a boy" out by her swingset. She loves to swing, ride her trike, play with chalk, bubbles, you name it.
*A few of her favorite foods are bananas, cinnamon brown sugar pop tarts (she could eat these every snack & meal), cucumbers, pizza, "macn n' cheese", and mr freezes.
*For the past few months, she has been able to recognize the upper case alphabet randomly. She knows most of the lower case, but still working on a few of them.
*Olivia loves to talk as well-she goes and goes and goes. She has a very good memory of things & also quite the imagination. She'll definitely keep her teachers busy when the time comes!