While we were in the cities, Pat and I decided to take Olivia to the Mall of America to go on a few rides. She's (we've) been couped up all winter and haven't been able to get out to do a whole lot, so we told her we were taking her to a big park. We first ate at the Rainforest Cafe-an all time favorite of my mom's and mine. She wasn't too sure of the gorillas on the wall at first, but then once they started dancing, she was getting into it more. In the gift shop, she picked out a purple stuffed monkey that she can wrap around her and hasn't departed with it since. We've had to wipe a few tears at bedtime b/c we won't let her take the monkey to bed-afraid as long as it is it could choke her. Once we got to the rides, she wasn't too crazy about them-and some of them looked pretty fast for just a 2 year old. But, she was content just walking around looking at all the fun things. And then we saw Dora. One of, if not THE all time favorite characters of Olivia's. She was a little afraid of the more than life size Dora, but warmed right up to her right away. We got some pictures taken, and then she talked and talked about seeing Dora. Once we were driving out of the Mall, she asked us-"When we go to park?" --I guess we forgot to explain when we were inside of the amusement park that that was the park. I think she had slides and swings more in her mind. We also stopped at my friend Holli's and visited with her & her family-it's always good to see them. Once we left, Olivia was out after about 2 blocks, and napped all the way back home.

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