As I'm reminded by Grandma Driscoll :) it's been a long time since I've updated the blog-probably the longest I've let it go. So, it's been updated, and the dates changed accordingly. Even though tomorrow is Feb 1st already, I've made it my New Year's Resolution to get better at it. Olivia is saying the darndest, cutest things, and I need to get more of it written down. Like a couple weeks ago when Olivia really didn't want to leave daycare (and it's almost a daily little game of hers) and Pat had to take her out practically kicking & screaming. He got her home and put her in time out. Once he got her out, he wanted to talk to her about it, and asked her to look at him, and she said she didn't want to talk and asked to go back to time out. So, back she went. But, anyway, I am finally able to stay up past 8:30 now that I'm not so tired all the time and am a little past my 2nd trimester (14 weeks now). I've been feeling alot better too, which also helps. So, there will be more blog posts, I promise.
We have it our goal in the next few months to 1)get Olivia off the pacis-for the most part she just uses them at nap & bedtime 2)get her potty trained and 3)get her transitioned into a big girl bed. Alot to happen in a short time. But we do have her ready for the "paci fairy" that is going to be coming real soon to take her pacis to a baby that really does need them-We just had one come yesterday, so we are down to 1 paci :) so far. Tonight she also went #2 in her own potty chair-the first time she's done anything in it! And she even asked us herself if she could go in it! Hopefully this isn't a one time deal. As far as the big girl bed-this could be the hardest of them all. Thankfully, we do have some time with this one, and can even go a little after the baby's born if need be. But, any helpful suggestions from anybody are welcomed.
Other than that, we're just growing more tired of the winter, like I'm sure everyone else in the Midwest is. It's been too cold to even go outside and play. At least tomorrow we're into February and another month closer to Spring:)

Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My Little Drummer Girl
On Saturday, Pat, Olivia, and I went to the cities and stayed at Molly & Andy's. I had won tickets at work through a contest to the MN Gopher hockey game that night & Molly offered to watch Olivia while we went out (thank you Molly!!). We had box seats & just had a really great time. It had been a long time the 2 of us have had a date. Sunday morning the kids played, and Olivia got to try out Jason's new drum set. Pat had his phone out at the right time and at the right place for this video
She didn't get hurt, thankfully-and the drums are ok too. But we laughed until we cried watching this video. It's a must see!
Mall of America
While we were in the cities, Pat and I decided to take Olivia to the Mall of America to go on a few rides. She's (we've) been couped up all winter and haven't been able to get out to do a whole lot, so we told her we were taking her to a big park. We first ate at the Rainforest Cafe-an all time favorite of my mom's and mine. She wasn't too sure of the gorillas on the wall at first, but then once they started dancing, she was getting into it more. In the gift shop, she picked out a purple stuffed monkey that she can wrap around her and hasn't departed with it since. We've had to wipe a few tears at bedtime b/c we won't let her take the monkey to bed-afraid as long as it is it could choke her. Once we got to the rides, she wasn't too crazy about them-and some of them looked pretty fast for just a 2 year old. But, she was content just walking around looking at all the fun things. And then we saw Dora. One of, if not THE all time favorite characters of Olivia's. She was a little afraid of the more than life size Dora, but warmed right up to her right away. We got some pictures taken, and then she talked and talked about seeing Dora. Once we were driving out of the Mall, she asked us-"When we go to park?" --I guess we forgot to explain when we were inside of the amusement park that that was the park. I think she had slides and swings more in her mind. We also stopped at my friend Holli's and visited with her & her family-it's always good to see them. Once we left, Olivia was out after about 2 blocks, and napped all the way back home.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Molly & Jack visit
Molly and Jack came for a visit to hang out. Sat & Sun. Olivia and Jack got along very well, but then turn around and fight like brother and sister. It was quite comical. On Sunday we made a pot of chili and watched the Bears get slaughtered by the Packers. Wasn't a good day for Pat, but had great company :)

Monday, January 17, 2011
Ultrasound Pictures! (12 weeks)
Pat and I had our first glimpse at our baby! At my first doctor's appointment, my OB thought I was a little further along than I thought b/c of how big I was already-those are always words a pregnant woman loves to hear! So he scheduled me an ultrasound and was able to get in Jan 17th-just a couple days after my appointment. I was still convinced it was maybe twins but was good with the fact I could be just a little further along. The ultrasound confirmed that there was just one healthy baby. It was so amazing being able to see our baby-so small but so full of life. They gave me a due date of July 25th-only 5 days sooner than we originally thought, but I'll take it. But then, my nurse called a few days later and after the Dr reviewed the ultrasound, he moved it back to the original due date-July 30th. Looks like we'll be celebrating lots of Leos with mine & Justin's being August 1, and Olivia's August 4th. When I showed Olivia the pictures of the baby in mommy's tummy, she wasn't too sure of what it was. I said to her, "Isn't that cute?" and her reply- "that not cute". After showing her another one-she replied, "that not a baby, that a turtle". She even repeated it to Pat later that night that the baby was a turtle. Hhhmmmm. We have a little work ahead of us explaining to her about what's to come.

Friday, January 7, 2011
Our exciting news!!
Olivia is going to be a big sister! We are happy to announce that we are expecting and due sometime around July 30th. Olivia will be turning 3 August 4th, so it's going to be pretty close. I go in for my first appointment this Thursday, so will have more of an accurate due date. We found out just before Thanksgiving. I painted this cute T-shirt for Olivia and had her wearing it as we arrived at each of the families. It was so much fun announcing it.
I have been feeling ok-extremely tired & nauseous alot. I've had a cold the last couple weeks so with that and the pregnancy, I've been going to bed about as soon as Olivia does (thus being way behind on my blog, and all the household chores). I'm also starting to really show already-no hiding it now! I think I'm probably measuring the same now at about 10 weeks than I was with Olivia at 20 weeks....twins??? I'll keep you posted!

I have been feeling ok-extremely tired & nauseous alot. I've had a cold the last couple weeks so with that and the pregnancy, I've been going to bed about as soon as Olivia does (thus being way behind on my blog, and all the household chores). I'm also starting to really show already-no hiding it now! I think I'm probably measuring the same now at about 10 weeks than I was with Olivia at 20 weeks....twins??? I'll keep you posted!

Christmas at the Froehlich's
We celebrated our Froehlich Christmas at Grandma & Grandpa Froehlich's last weekend. The weekend was cut short due to the weather, but it was a great time to have everyone together. Olivia had so much fun trying to keep up with all the cousins. Wish they could all get together more often!

Olivia and her new suitcase
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