The week before Memorial Day, Olivia and I drove out to my parents for about a week. It was such a great time to get some Grandma and Grandpa alone time. Olivia got spoiled with lots of love & attention! We went boating/fishing, went on walks, went to the park, visited G & G's work to show her off, and relaxed in the backyard. Olivia had all three of us laughing and in tears one night making her silly faces and copying everything Grandpa did. She doesn't miss a beat.

Olivia blowing her bubbles with Grandma

One of her cute fishing hats I tried keeping on her.

The Captain and his Co-Captain

Olivia loved the boat!! Not so much having to sit still in one place, but she did a pretty good job.

Olivia and Grandma relaxing (for all of 2 seconds) in the hammock

Olivia and Grandpa chillin

Olivia's finally starting to sit long enough for a little story time.

Olivia loved Grandma's flowers!

Instead of putting water onto the flowers to water them, Olivia liked to pull off the petals and put them into the watering can.
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