This past weekend we went to Mpls again. We had a number of things going on . I did a garage sale Thurs-Sat with my friend Holli & got to spend a lot of fun time with her family. Olivia and I drove over Thursday morning. The picture below is of her with her "new" computer. I think this is the longest she sat for me the whole time! She kept me very busy. If we weren't scaling their retaining wall, we were splashing in puddles with her rainboots on. However, that was a fun moment-I think it was her first experience splashing around, and I wish I had my camera. Friday Pat came up in the afternoon and picked up Olivia and went to the Larew's. I had a night off! But, unfortunately, garage sales are exhausting, so we just kicked back anyway. Pat had a seminar all day Saturday so Molly, Andy, and the boys watched Olivia for us. That night, Pat and I went out for a very nice relaxing evening with Holli and Brad and went to The Kona Grill. This morning, Molly and Andy ran a half marathon in the cities, and we watched the boys. I guess my exhausting weekend didn't compare to running a half marathon, but still feel tired by tonight. My exciting news (to me anway) is that I got a new camera lens!! I used some of my garage sale money and just happened to find a brand new lens a guy was selling on Craigslist out of Mpls, so I picked that up this morning. The above pictures are of tonight-I was dying to use my camera again!

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