We have been playing alot outside now that it's finally nice. It was so hard back in Albuquerque when all we had was a rock yard (and 100 degree weather). So we're loving the nice green grass and playing hard. I'm starting to see how easily the laundry gets stacked up with grass stains on the little knees of anything Olivia wears. But I wouldn't change it for anything and am always excited for the next time.
Olivia is on her swing set from last year. She's outgrown it alot, but still loves monkeying around on it. We debated on even setting it up, but glad we did now.

Olivia and Dad on the hammock. She loved it at first and now tries to push us out of it and has a fit if one of us lies in it. I guess there's no resting on Olivia time.
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