(Just a side note-we've upgraded our internet, so I'm getting more on the blog than I was going to-and it's faster than the service we had in Abq :) )
Happy Birthday to my niece, Bella! She had her golden birthday on January 8th. To celebrate, we all went rollerskating in Sioux Falls and then went to Dan and Bella's and had some chili, opened gifts, and had some tasty birthday cake made by Bella and decorated by Grandma Driscoll. Again-it is so great to be moved back to share in these special days.

Grandpa with his hands full!

Heather and Fraya-Fraya did a great job for her first time!

Anna-cute as can be skating it up!

Dan and his Birthday Girl

Dan, Heather, and Bella

Justin and Jessica taking a break with the family.

Bella on the go!

Bella before blowing out her 8 candles-hard to believe she is 8 already!

Bella and her afghan I crocheted for her (long time in the making!)
Grandma Driscoll and Bella in her new outfit by G & G from Justice-Bella's favorite store in the mall.
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