I haven't posted anything on Olivia for a couple weeks, as I've been told by Grandma Driscoll :) so here are a few pictures from yesterday. Olivia is keeping us busy as ever. There isn't anything she won't try or taste at least once. I am regretting not keeping a camera in my pocket. The other day I changed her diaper before her nap and she had kicked her shorts off in the process. So instead of fighting to put them back on, I just put her in her crib in her shirt and diaper. I could hear her playing and laughing for almost an hour and then she was fussing. I thought she would wear herself out and just fall asleep, but she didn't. I went in to check on her and she was standing in the crib, holding the bars with one hand, and had her diaper in the other. I don't know how she got it off, but it was the cutest thing. Knowing everything goes in her mouth, I didn't think I should go get the camera for this one!
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