Olivia is 4 and a half today! I feel like I should post about this little milestone since I haven't done as much as I should have in the past 6 months. Olivia is our busy bee who keeps us going. She is always on the go and her little mind doesn't stop. She is the most beautiful, smartest, wittiest 4 year old I know, and I just love to see what she has to come up with next. On the way home from daycare the other day, after talking about something, she says "god!" Me-"what did you say?'" and to cover it up b/c she knows she's not supposed to use the word that way, she says, "Praise God!". I know-we're in trouble. When she sticks her tongue out at us, she even has a little cover up that she pretends to be licking her chapped lips. Olivia loves to play with everything-hoarding toys in every bag, box, laundry basket, corner, you name it, is her favorite thing to do. She also LOVES to dress up in her princess and dance costumes, and is a walking Disney encyclopedia when it comes to characters and songs. Her dream is to go to Disneyworld. At Christmas time, we drove around looking at the lights and she saw the Cathedral lit up in the distance and she got all excited & yelled-"There's the Disney castle! There's the Disney castle!" She wouldn't believe us that it was a church, so we drove her by it, and her response was, in the most disappointed voice, "oh-it is just church". I guess in the end, we should have just let her believe in the magic of the castle. But, back to her favorites-she also loves to draw, color, her Barbies (we just opened up my tote of them that we had saved and she thought that was the neatest thing-minus the stale mothball smell), and harass her sister (but also plays with her pretty well). She is our night owl. Alot of nights she is still coming down the steps with different excuses, long after we are asleep. If we don't mentally go through the checklist of everything that has to be done (potty, lotioned up, doll/toy to sleep with, the blanket that just happens to be her favorite that night, 2 kleenexes, sippy cup with water, 5 million hugs and kisses from each of us, etc etc) she will remember it as some point in the night and come ask for it. Our lives are ever changing with her, and I wouldn't have it any other way :)