My little baby is 9 months old! She is growing too fast! Cora brings us so many smiles and laughs. -Two of her favorite things to do too. I don't capture them enough on the camera, because, like her sister, she doesn't like the camera. She is sitting up really well now and likes to reach for anything in sight. She's far from crawling though-just doesn't like to be on her stomach, but does love to stand while holding her hands. I'm wondering if she will just skip the crawling stage. She still just has her 1 tooth-but barely cut through the gums yet. Cora loves her toys-her favorite at this time is anything she can put in her mouth. Which, is not only toys, but anything she can reach. Of course Olivia is into her Barbies and all those fun little Barbie shoes and accessories that go with them. Keeps us busy combing through the carpets! Cora also still loves to be held-except that she always has to be facing out. She is so curious & sticks her neck out or tries to look around the corners of things just to see what's going on. She also gets so excited about things (ie her sister) and kicks her legs a mile a minute while holding her. I always have to warn people that hold her to hold on tight-she may just jump out of your arms. One major change is that she can correctly call us mamamama or dadadada. One very sweet moment for me to share: I always sing the girls "You Are My Sunshine" to both girls and if I start to sing it, it doesn't matter what Cora is doing-she will always turn towards me and smile. Well, there's a commercial on TV now (can't even remember for what) but has a mom holding a baby singing the song to him/her and the other day Cora was in her jumper facing the tv while this commercial came on. Once the mom started singing the song, Cora instantly turned to me and smiled and said "mamama". Literally brought a tear to my eye.