Wednesday, June 22, 2011
34 week ultrasound
We had our 34 week ultrasound today-probably my last until Baby Sissy is born. We only got this one pic, and it's not that clear, but still precious to look at. Everything is coming along just great. According to the ultrasound, I'm still measuring about a week early (July 25th instead of July 30th) but they don't change the date when the baby is within the week of the actual date. She is weighing approximately 5lbs 13oz. We're getting more and more anxious to meet this little one! I think me especially-I haven't been feeling too good & am more than ready bring her into the world!

Olivia's potty training update
We're into about week 3 with the potty training and it's going very well. She has only had a couple of accidents but that is expected. She doesn't wear a diaper for naps and always wakes up dry. Night time is still a little iffy-she does wear a diaper then, and started out waking us up about 2:30 AM to go potty but was always dry, and then dry again in the morning. She's started to sleep through the night now, with a wet diaper in the morning. I can't say this is necessarily a bad thing-we're finally getting a couple good nights of sleep! But, since she's been potty trained, we find it harder to get her down to sleep. We used to be able to tuck her in & she would be good...now it's every excuse in the book just to get out of bed to come out to the living room & prolong going to sleep. At least 3x it's to go potty-all in the first 30 minutes, then it's b/c she needs a doll, dropped her paci behind the bed, needs another book read, etc. etc. Overall, we are so happy for how well she's taken this on. Now to get rid of the paci before the baby comes-that could be the hardest part of this whole transition!
A cute story from today...Olivia was running to the bathroom holding herself & really had to go. She then shouted to us "I'm going to pee like a boy". Pat went running in there, and sure enough she was standing on her step stool at the toilet and was peeing (only thing was-she didn't get her pants pulled down on time). I'm guessing it has been learned at daycare how boys pee.
A cute story from today...Olivia was running to the bathroom holding herself & really had to go. She then shouted to us "I'm going to pee like a boy". Pat went running in there, and sure enough she was standing on her step stool at the toilet and was peeing (only thing was-she didn't get her pants pulled down on time). I'm guessing it has been learned at daycare how boys pee.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day

Today we were hoping to make it out to Flandrau to go swimming, but it just wasn't nice enough for too long. We did fill up Olivia's pool to let her swim for a bit during the little break of weather. In the picture Olivia and Pat are having a daytime slumber party while watching a movie.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Having a ball with the Driscoll cousins
Last weekend Heath and the kids came for a last minute visit-Kristi was in Omaha with her sisters so Heath made the road trip over. We spent a couple hours at Flandrau State Park on Saturday and then did some grilling and attempted to do a bonfire.
Ryan, Anna, and Olivia
Getting the kids ready for bed-we pulled Olivia's trundle bed out and were going to have the 3 oldest all sleep in it. We put them down at 9 and I think by maybe 12:30 they were asleep (hence the attempt at the bonfire-we never could finish it). Anna did pretty good, but if it wasn't Ethan up wanting something, it was Olivia. We tried about 30 other sleeping arrangements to get them to sleep, and by the end of the night, it was myself, Anna, and Olivia in the bed and Ethan was on an air mattress in the living room.
Here's the devilish laughs the kids are giving us all at the beginning of the night as they're thinking "You guys are suckers if you think this is going to work."

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Catching up...
I've finally got my blog updated this morning. I can't believe it's been over a month. This last week I had every intention but have been so tired that I've been going to bed either before or just after Olivia. Last night I sat down & was already to do it on my laptop but first I wanted to google some baby nursery jungle theme murals that I want to paint, and some image that I clicked on had a virus and that was the end of that. I had all my pictures edited, cropped, and ready to post. So, this morning, I downloaded all of them again and had to start over on our desktop. Urrggh.
We're counting down the days now...7 weeks from today is the due date. Olivia talks about her baby sissy all the time & loves to give my belly hugs & kisses. She's pretty excited! Will be fun to meet the new bundle of joy and for Olivia to have a new baby sister!
We're counting down the days now...7 weeks from today is the due date. Olivia talks about her baby sissy all the time & loves to give my belly hugs & kisses. She's pretty excited! Will be fun to meet the new bundle of joy and for Olivia to have a new baby sister!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Olivia's almost potty trained!!
Olivia is finally wanting to be potty trained! We took our time with it and talked to her alot about it, but didn't want to push the issue b/c she's so independent that it would probably push her back farther. But, she's been at it for just over a week now. She's had just a couple accidents, and does wear a diaper yet for naps & nighttime, but she's been doing very well with it. In fact she likes it so much, that it's where she spends alot of her day. I'm sure b/c she's excited & it's new to her (and she gets 3 M & Ms every time she does go). We'll probably be spending in toilet paper and our water bill what we save in diapers. Our goal was that after Memorial Day wknd the paci fairy was going to take her paci for other babies, but she started taking interest in potty training right after that, so we'll take that over the paci. One thing at a time :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Grandma helping with the nursery
Grandma came to visit to help paint the nursery & get things ready. She got here Thursaday & we were on the go the whole time. We had such a great time having her & very thankful for all the help. We even managed to get away Saturday to the cities to do some shopping. We were on a mission to find her a dress for Justin's wedding & found one!
Grandma washing off the glue from the hideous wall paper border that was up.
Our little helper. She loved getting her hands into the mess!

The final color & new bedding for the baby.
Grandma and Olivia-Olivia's got her new dress on from our shopping trip-she was such a trooper!
And of course couldn't resist getting her her own watering can. She LOVES the outdoors & the water hose so it was a perfect thing for her.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
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