Thursday, March 31, 2011
Olivia's own new style
As I was getting ready for work this morning, Pat was getting Olivia into her clothes to go to daycare. Once she was dressed, she came upstairs to me and of course I instantly noticed her outfit and wanted to blame Pat-he said he had nothing to do with it. This is what Olivia picked out and this is what she was going to wear and there was no changing her mind. I of course tried explaining that you can't wear 2 different stripes in your top & bottom, but she had a fit when I strongly suggested that we need to change one or the other. Soooo-this is how she went to daycare.

Doctor Olivia
Last weekend was filled with great company. Grandma and Grandpa Froehlich came Saturday and spent the night. It had been so long since we've seen them so was good to catch up. We checked out the homeshow in town, did some shopping, and of course were entertained by Olivia. John, Jenny, and Daniel also drove down from Mpls to spend the day with us Sunday. It was a nice weekend seeing everybody!
Pat and Lee had switched out our washer and dryer and Lee had gotten a small cut on his finger. Olivia saw his band-aid and thought he needed her doctor kit. Grandpa got a thourough check-up by her-his ears checked, reflexed checked, a few shots, and she made sure he had a strong heartbeat. I think she made his finger feel all better!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Terrible Two's
Lately Olivia has been "testing" us with being a little naughty-we're thinking it's just the beginning of the terrible twos, and she's also acting this way at daycare. We've tried time-outs, taking away her favorite toys, and also not allowing her to watch Dora, but she's got such an imagination that she just finds something else to do, so it really doesn't bother her. I thought I'd share one incident that happened yesterday at daycare. Olivia and another girl, Zeva (who is also 2), are pretty good friends and get along very well. Well they had managed to sneak away into the bathroom that has a bunch of toilet paper in a basket on the floor. They had dunked 6 rolls of toilet paper into the toilet (which luckily had been flushed & was "clean" water) and were throwing them around. When they were caught by one other 2 year old boy, they were yelling "weeeeee" as they kept dunking the rolls & throwing them. They were all wet and had soggy toilet paper everywhere. Needless to say the 2 spent some time in time out.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Olivia's Big Girl Bed!!
We spent last weekend putting together Olivia's Big Girl Room & Bed. We switched her room to the spare one and got her big girl bed set up. We've been prepping her for it, and hoping that she/we would be ready for this big change. She loved helping us and had her cute little hands right in there. By the time we got the spare bdrm stuff moved out, most of her stuff moved over, and her bed set up & made it was almost 7:30 PM Sat night. Olivia wanted me to lie in it with her for awhile-which I thought was a great idea-I was exhausted! But she just had fun with the fact that she could get in & out all by herself. I think in the half hour I laid there, she got up at least 20 times- "I gotta go see what Daddy's doing" and she would jump out-go check on him in the living room, come back & hop back into bed. Then it was "I gotta get a book", or "I gotta get my baby",and then back out. She was just loving the freedom. Which made us concerned for how Night #1 would go with sleeping. We put her down & she came out to see us just once & then back in her bed. But an hour later she wanted to sleep in her crib, so we put in her in that. At about 1:30AM she was crying & I went in to check on her & she wanted back in her big girl bed, so I slept with her the rest of the night. Day #2-Naptime-this was going to be our true test if she would stay in her bed while it was light in the room but she slept for 2.5 hours w/o getting out once :) Night #2-Olivia woke up once and Pat laid with her for just a short time. Night #3 she did really well-just woke up at 6:30 crying b/c "her shadow scared her". Overall-it has been a very good adjustment for her & she has done very well much to our surprise. Now we've been trying to tell her that b/c she's now a big girl she needs to start going potty on the big girl potty, and ditch the pacies. Hopefully soon that will all come! For now she is just absolutely loving her room!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Our baby girl's first gift from her Big Sister
After the ultrasound, we went to Buffalo Wild Wings, where Pat's uncle John is the manager. It worked out great to see him since it is just done the road from the clinic, and it's one of our favorite restaurants. We don't get to one often, so it was a treat! Then we headed to one of my favorite stores-Babies R Us! When we found out Olivia was a girl, we went shopping & bought a couple cute outfits, so we just had to do it with Baby #2 also :) I could spend all day in that store. We found a couple cute outfits, and of course had to spoil Olivia with some while we were there-Pat had to keep reminding me who we were shopping for. And I kept justifying it that it was for the baby also b/c eventually she will be getting some of Olivia's hand me downs. While shopping, we had Olivia pick out her baby sister's first toy, and Olivia picked out this cute little teddy bear/blanket. I tried getting her picture with it here, but as you can see, it was just a fun game b/w her and mom with the camera. And there are about 20 other candid shots to go with this.

We had our 20 week ultrasound & it's a ...
GIRL!! Olivia came with Pat & I to my 20 week ultrasound appointment yesterday. We thought it would be fun for her to see if she was having a baby sister or brother. I've been gearing her up for it & explaining that the Dr would be looking at mommy's tummy with a camera so she could see the baby & we would find out if it was a boy or girl. So all week, she's been talking about going to the Dr with Mommy. Once in the room, I think Olivia was a little worried about what was going on, and didn't want to be in there too bad. After a couple minutes the tech announced that it was a girl, and after the excitement, Olivia wanted to leave the room and didn't want to see any more. She wanted to go to lunch. We tried to convince her to stay in to see her sister more, but I think the jealousy has begun, and Pat had to take her out of the room. Once the baby comes, I know she will be so excited though. She just loves babies. And I think she'll love having a baby sister. They'll love doing all the fun girly stuff together-playing dolls, house, dress-up, and giggling over boys as they get older.
Our baby girl sucking on her thumb already!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Locked in and Loving it!
Today I got off work at 10:30 (b/c I work Saturday and have to comp the hours) so I picked up Olivia early from daycare. Once we were home, I went upstairs to change & Olivia went in her room, & slammed the door behind her. I could hear her yelling, in the most cheerful voice, "Mom, I yocked in my room". And I took my time-thinking that she was just having fun. When I got downstairs, I tried to open her door, and couldn't! I wiggled on the handle & it was locked! She was just having a hayday on the other side though. Meanwhile, between her giggling & tickling my toes under the door (there's about a 2 inch gap b/w the floor & door), I'm trying to keep my cool so I don't freak her out. I tried and tried getting it open-using the credit card trick and everything. It was close to Pat's lunch, so I called him-"I have a problem. Olivia has locked herself in her room. She's fine-actually having a ball with it, but I'm a little freaked out myself." So he was on his way. In the meantime, I'm trying to get Olivia to turn the button on the handle, only to find out later that there is no lock on this door- I think the handle just broke when she shut it so hard. But she's just playing away-and once said to me "Knock Knock Mommy" Me- "Who's there?" Olivia- "It just me!" There's one of those moments with her that just melts me. I'm glad she was having fun-it certainly helped me remain calmer. Pat got home & couldn't get the door open- she was still playing away-could hear drawers being open, toys being dug out of her box, and her bouncing around. As Pat was trying, she giggles, "Daddy, hurry up & fix this!". In the end, Pat had to pry the trim board off the side of the door, and used the screwdriver to get the door open. Olivia wasn't the least bit scared or worried, but he was my hero! In the 15 minutes (which seemed like 15 hours to me) that she was locked in, she had pulled off this attire-the cute tutu & I'm not even sure where she found the headband-she wore it as an infant-And of course I just had to have a picture to go with the story. We spent the remainder of the day snuggling, taking a good nap, dancing, playing, & just having a great day together.

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