Olivia is 2 1/2 years today! She helped herself to my make-up while I got ready this morning and just loves it. She doesn't want to play with any of the brushes, or non make-up items-she always has to have the real deal. That's my little Princess!
Just some other notes our little 2 1/2 loves to do-she loves play-doh-it's almost a nightly thing. And of course her new monkey and many dolls-she loves being a mother to them all and talks to them quite a bit. One of the other things we do on a nightly basis is builds houses with her legos and blocks. I told her she can work for Justin when she gets bigger :) But, I think on the top of her list right now is Dora, Diego, and Kai Lan. If you ask her to count in Spanish, she'll say "uno, cuatro, tres". It's not in order-but so cute to hear her understanding what Spanish is. On occasion she'll tell you "Adios!" Maybe it's a sign she watches too much, but I guess she's learning too from it.
We're slowly learning the potty training. Tonight was the first night she used it since Sunday. And she was on and off it at least a couple dozen times. I was gone for a bit, but Pat had put her Kai Lan panties on her, and she ran back and forth- "I gotta go potty" and into the bathroom she went, pulled her pants down, sat down for a second, and was back out into the living room with them pulled back up, had Pat snap her jeans, and then that same routine over and over again. I'm glad she's finally liking it though and not afraid of it like she was. The paci-we are still down to 1 left-just waiting on the paci fairy to be ready to come and take the last one. Could go over well-and could be a nightmare. She has been pretty understanding of the one that was "taken for other babies that need them" last weekend.
Overall, our little 2 1/2 year old has just been a ball of fun. She keeps us going and is just a non-stop talker and very active little toddler. Every stage she's grown to, I think it's my favorite, but I'd have to say, this age is one of my all time favorites. Her little personality just shines and it's so much fun carrying on little conversations to see what she's going to come up with next.