Friday, December 31, 2010
Dah Damnit
I have a cute Olivia story for the day-seems like she's always coming up with something new, but this one takes the cake. This morning I was changing her, and she had a pop-tart in her hand and dropped it and it fell into some crumbs. In all seriousness, she says "dah damnit". I of course chuckled a little and asked her "what did you say?" and she responds "I ted, dah damnit." In the most serious voice that I could get at the time-I replied that we don't say those words....and then I had to tell Pat the same thing ;)
Happy New Year!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful 2010 & will have an even better 2011! We are here in New Ulm, but supposed to be in IA celebrating the New Year & Christmas at Pat's families. Between the freezing rain, sleet, snow, we weren't able to make it today. I had to work until 5:30 and just didn't want to travel at night with the weather, but crossing our fingers to be able to get out first thing in the morning.
Merry Christmas!!
I'm so late with getting these pictures posted. Time just gets away from me. We spent Christmas in Sioux Falls with my family and had a great weekend. Olivia is really growing up, and was fun to see her with all the excitement and spirit of the holiday with the family. She was such a good kid this year that Santa, along with Grandma and Grandpa, really spoiled her. Among her top favorites are her Kai Lan coloring book, pink computer, baby, play do, and zhu zhu pets.
Christmas Eve with Grandma and Grandpa after church.

Santa visited Olivia at Uncle Justin's house Christmas morning! Here she is opening up her new baby doll she's been asking for.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Olivia's visit to Santa Claus
Santa Claus has made a couple stops to my work in the last couple weeks. I would have bet the farm that Olivia would have bawled and ran the other way (that's about how it went last year) but she absolutely LOVED him! We've been prepping her for him and telling her what a nice man he is, and that she will get to sit on his lap and tell him what she wants for Christmas. When I picked her up from daycare to go see him, I asked her what she was going to ask for, and her answer was "drums"...Drums?? What happened to dolls? Maybe it's inherited. I played the drums all through school but that was only because I couldn't hold my breath long enough to play any other instrument. But anyway, once we got there, she walked right up to him and sat on his lap and just had a great time. It was priceless. She had thankfully forgotten about the drums and asked for a doll. Makes me happy. After awhile, I was over talking with some co-workers and happened to look over to Olivia and Santa and Olivia was sitting on the ledge and they were having a conversation about Coco (our dog). It was the cutest thing. Santa is going to be back Saturday, so we may have to go for another visit when I have my camera along (the pics are courtesy of NU Telecom).

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow Bums
We've been snowed in pretty much since Friday night with our blizzard. We didn't get quite as much as the cities, but probably about 10 inches. Molly and the boys were supposed to come visit for the weekend, but stayed put because of the weather. So what you see below is what we did. We would have loved to have taken Olivia sledding as long as we had the abundance of snow, but the temperatures were just too cold to have her out. So it was definitely a weekend of movies, scrapbooking, football, and snuggling.
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