Olivia has a new favorite doll-Baby Beans. She's got jelly beans on her outfit, hence the name. Baby Beans goes everywhere Olivia goes now. The other night I came into the living room to find Olivia showing Baby Beans all the toys in the new Toy's R Us magazine. She had her right on her lap, talking to her about it. Of course once the camera came out, the scenario changed a little, but it was cute as can be. However, her little cuteness isn't always cute. This same day Olivia spent some time in time out at day care for punching, hitting in the back, and pulling hair. We're going through quite the phase with her now. I love all her new vocabulary & she's doing a very good job at putting sentences together, but sometimes it's "Don't talk to me", "Don't wook (look) at me", "Don't sing to me (which I can understand)" or the latest one "Don't kiss me on the head" or the Miss Independence really coming out "Don't help me" Can you say terrible two's?

These two pictures are from yesterday. Olivia's daycare had a Halloween Party for all the kids, and she came home with quite the bag of candy. She was feeding Baby Beans her Milk Duds, and came to me with the half empty box and chocolate drooling down her mouth, saying "Baby beans don't wike them". Obviously Olivia does.