Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I took Olivia in to the Dr yesterday because she still hadn't passed the clip, that I found anyway. She got another set of x-rays done, and she had passed it sometime throughout the week! What a relief. One, that she passed it and two, that I don't have to look through any more poopy diapers. The picture is one of her clips just like the one swallowed. They've since been retired and now we're using the tiny rubberbands that are supposed to not pull out easily. She had always gotten them out before of course, but is doing pretty good with them now.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Olivia's first X-ray

Olivia had her first x-ray today. She was in her highchair eating breakfast and she had pulled at her snappy clip in her hair and I told her to leave it alone. She did and I went downstairs for maybe 45 seconds to turn the dryer on more. I came up and her clip was gone. She was fine and acted just as normal as always. I searched & searched & couldn't find it. But she seemed fine so we went to our school activity we have on Tuesdays. I talked to Pat around 11 & he thought I should call in to her Dr to maybe have an xray done. So long story short, we went in and sure enough-there was the clip. I couldn't believe it. We could set a whole bucket of small legos in front of her (but haven't) & not have to worry and then she swallows the same clip that she's worn for months. Besides the ponytail in her hair for one day, this clip is the only thing that she keeps in. Her Dr. said it should pass within 5 days & just to watch for it in her diaper. The clip is closed at this point, so didn't think there should be anything to worry about. If it should somehow open up, which is unlikely, it has a sharper point and may do a little damage so have to watch for tummy aches until it does pass. I scanned the x-ray so you should be able to see it.
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Enjoying a beautiful day

I think out of anybody, Olivia has been the most excited to play outside. Tonight when Pat got home from work, and us from the Dr, we ran around in the backyard and had so much fun. It's been way too long!

Like one trip to the Dr. wasn't enough today! This is all our little monkey needs to learn.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Heath, Kristi, and family visit

My brother Heath and his family came for a visit on Friday and stayed through the weekend. Pat had his Pheasants Forever Banquet Sat. and Heath is a member in Mitchell, so they went to that Saturday night. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately?) Pat didn't win the big raffle of 9 guns & gun case. But sounds like they had a good time. Kristi and I thought it was all too fair that we get to go shopping Saturday afternoon before they went and took Anna with us. She is quite the shopper-I forget that girls start to like clothes so young! It was a busy weekend, but was sure good to see them.

Olivia with her cousins Anna, Ethan, and Ryan. (My good camera broke last weekend-I need to get it fixed soon-forget how poor quality my old one is)
Anna and her hat she 'designed' for me to make.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day! These are from the parade in Sioux Falls last Saturday. Olivia loved it-there were some dogs in it, including a spray painted green poodle, that she was quick to point out. There's been talk of possibly a Driscoll float next year? Hhhmmmm.... I think the parade needs a little excitement b/c of all the boring campaigning entries this year and the D-family could easily liven it up! And yes...our matching hats are crocheted by myself. I whipped them both up while Olivia was napping one day. I'm getting addicted, and made fun of that I'm getting old b/c of my new hobby.

My brother Dan and girlfriend Heather, Pat & I, and my brother Justin & girlfriend Jessica.

Uncle Justin's

This is last weekend at Uncle Justin's house. Olivia and I left on Wednesday for Sioux Falls and stayed through the weekend. Since we've moved back, I haven't had the chance to get there to spend time with the brothers and friends. My mom also came on Thursday and we spent some time with Bella on Thursday and Friday. It was a busy on the go trip but loads of fun catching up with my girlfriends. Pat drove up Saturday after work just in time for the St. Patrick's Day parade in Sioux Falls and my mom watched Olivia that night so we could get away to drink some green beer with friends. Olivia is shown here in the pix with her new "Driscoll Construction" hat and building away. Maybe someday she'll be helping Uncle Justin putting hardware on the doors just like her Mom did-but hopefully not put the lock on the wrong side and lock herself into a bedroom ;) (Should never have admitted that!)

Little moments

Now that Olivia is picking up on so many things and starting to talk more, I thought I should start journaling them in my blog or I'll never remember them all. Yesterday I was changing her poopie diaper and plugged my nose and said "peeeww". So she plugged her nose mimicking me. In the afternoon, I walked in her room and she had pulled her Pooh bear off the shelf and I asked her- "Is that Pooh?" Olivia then plugged her nose and said "pooh". So darn cute!

Today we were at the gym for the toddler time and all the moms & kids were sitting in a circle playing Duck, Duck, Goose. One of the little boys went around patting heads saying Duck, and Olivia got right up and started walking around to everyone patting their heads saying Duck, Duck, Duck. She went around to everybody over and over. I was amazed at how quick she caught on, being her first time seeing the game. And then she got bored and took off running to the other side of the curtain where they were having aerobics for the geriatrics.

My mom took this picture a couple weeks ago-the squirrel reminded her of Olivia! I couldn't zoom in that well, but it's chewing up the bark.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Road trip to Grandma and Grandpa Froehlich's

Last Saturday we took a road trip to Grandma and Grandpa Froehlich's. Michaela was in Cedar Rapids with Andy, but Chloe and Kaden were staying at G & G's so we got to see them. Olivia played with her cousins Saturday while Kathee and I did a little shopping. We all went out to eat and that night Pat and I went downtown and had a couple beers with some of his highschool buddies. It was the first time we'd been out in I don't know how long, but it was much needed. Sunday we went to church and visited with Pat's Grandma Evelyn afterwards. Michaela got home mid-afternoon so we got to spend some time with her. It was great to see everyone and nice we can just pop in!

Grandma and Grandpa feeding Olivia one of her favorites-ice cream.

Olivia with her cousins Chloe and Kaden. We're sure going to miss them being so close!

The three of us with Grandma Evelyn. Olivia is about 2 hours overdue with a nap so she didn't hold up so well for the picture.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What I taught myself being couped up for a week

Olivia is pretty much done with the chicken pox. You can't see them at all on her. Last night I told Pat that we needed to get her out of the house to do something since she hasn't been out since last Sunday. We mentioned going to Pizza Ranch and Oliva ran towards the door saying "pizza pizza pizza pizza". I'd say she was ready to go! But, over the week, I taught myself how to crochet this cute little hat for Olivia. I know how to do a few patterns for blankets but wanted to learn more so watched alot of videos online & learned how to read patterns better to make more things for Olivia. It's just adorable on her but do you think we could get her to keep it on? We both had to wear it and show her how "fun" it was to wear the hat and then got her convinced for a few moments. Stay tuned for maybe some more hats and even some leg warmers!

Pat doing a dance wearing the hat to convince her for some more pictures.

Olivia laughing at her Daddy's dance.

On the move...no chance of any more pictures.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 3 & 4 :(

As you can see by the pictures, my little sunshine has the chicken pox. She had the vaccine just 2 weeks ago but I guess is in that window of time afterwards where she can get them from the vaccine. We noticed a couple spots Friday night, but I just thought they were itchy patches from her eczema. On Saturyday they were all over her stomach & back & they just kept multiplying each day. I took her to the Dr. Monday who confirmed that they were the pox (Before I'm called on it-I better note that Pat knew they were the pox and I thought it was a rash of some sort). As of today, she's only gotten a few on her arms, legs, and face. It doesn't seem to be spreading as rapid as they had started out. I guess b/c she had the vaccine she will have a milder case. Olivia is doing really well with it-you would never know she has it-no itching, fever, etc. and continues to be a very busy body. Me on the other hand am going stir crazy that we can't go anywhere for awhile. Probaby the only time I'm thankful it's winter and not the spring or summer.

Day 3/Day 4

Monday, March 1, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Driscoll visit

Grandma and Grandpa Driscoll came to visit this weekend to spoil Olivia and see our new town. We gave them the tour, and then Mom and I went shopping downtown for a bit. We went to church and then out to eat. They left Sunday afternoon for the long 6 hour drive home, but Mom pointed out that it was only 328 miles to Gettysburg-700 less than to Albuquerque. It was so much fun to see them and again glad we are close enough that Olivia can get to know her Grandparents more. She even says Papa/Bampa and Nanna now. How precious!