Pat, Olivia, and I took a 2 week vacation the beginning of July and spent alot of time with both sides of the family. We had such a great time and loved seeing everybody. We first drove to Lake Thompson where my family traditionally spends the July 4th holiday, and camped there for 4 nights. It was so much fun seeing Olivia experience her first camping trip. We watched the fireworks, swam at the beach with all her cousins, got rained on for a day (typical), and Olivia got her first boat ride from Grandpa Driscoll. Pat got in some fishing with my dad, but unfortunately no "big" stories to be told! Olivia also got to celebrate her 1st birthday (a month early but wanted her to celebrate it with family). It was so great to get everybody together!
On Monday afternoon (the 6th) we drove over to Iowa to visit Pat's family and to celebrate Algona's Founder's Day. All of Pat's siblings and families were able to attend (except Meagan-we missed seeing you!) We had such a fun-filled week. Kathee and Lee were on an Alaskan cruise so didn't get in until Friday early morning, so missed them a lot of the week, but glad they had a great time! Olivia got to play with all her cousins, and got her first ride in Grandpa Lee's jeep, and we had an overall awesome time with all the events going on! Our niece Chloe rode home with us and will stay a couple weeks. Pat's mom and sister Michaela are coming on Thursday July 23rd and leaving the 30th with her. It sure was nice having some company for Olivia on the way home.
I took over 500 pix of the vacation (I love my new camera!), so tried narrowing them down the best I could!

Pat, Olivia, and I with Pat's Grandma Evelyn. It was great seeing her and introducing Olivia to her Great-Great Grandma!

Olivia and Chloe having so much fun together on the swingset.

Me with Chloe and Lily.

A few of Olivia's cousins enjoying an icee-Kate, Lily, Gwen, Chloe, and Jason.

Pat with our nephew Jackson and Olivia.

The kids decided what better fun than getting all lathered up with some play soap! They had a blast spraying each other and dancing around.

The only 3 male grandchildren-Jackson, Jason, and Kaden. Lots of girls around to have to defend themselves!

Grandpa Froehlich giving some of the grandkids a jeep ride-along with Olivia's first. She absolutely loved it! You can see her head poking over the top. I guess she wouldn't sit down for the whole thing. (good thing it's a slow jeep ride)

Olivia with cousins Kate and Gwen.

Pat and I enjoying a great day with the family.

Our sister-in-law Denise and Olivia swimming with some of the cousins. This is at Michaela and Andy's house. It is always an adventure there with so much to do!

Ruby (Pat's cousin Melanie's girl) with our nieces Elizabeth and Grace. Ruby just got the toy car.

Olivia celebrated her birthday with her cousin Gwen (her 2nd of her 3rd B-day party!). Here Olivia had already dug into the side of the cake. She loved it!

Olivia opening her presents.

Grandma and Grandpa Froehlich with all the grandchildren.

Bill, Joe, and Molly after the triathlon they competed in. Molly took 1st place for women, including 1st in her age group, and Bill (ran), Joe (swam), and their friend Toni (biked) took first in the relay division. Congratulations everybody for your hard work!!

Grandma and Grandpa Froehlich with Olivia at the triathlon.

The following pictures are from Lake Thompson with the Driscoll side. Here Olivia is kicking back in her stroller just taking it all in!

Olivia is 11 months old here (July 4th). She really hasn't gone through any major changes in the last month. She is alot more active and keeping us busier than ever!

Pat, Olivia, and I on the beach on the 4th.

Bella lighting fireworks on the beach. It was a great time and Olivia didn't even mind the noise.

Olivia with her cousins Anna and Izabella.

Grandma Driscoll and Olivia having a blast in the lake with Olivia's new floatie she got from Grandma. Olivia just LOVES the water!!

Olivia's first beach experience. I thought she'd be trying to eat the sand more than she did (she tries everything at least once), but she didn't do too bad.

Olivia getting a 4-wheel ride from Pat.

Grandpa Driscoll with Olivia on her 1st boat ride. She didn't last too long before she was out. She didn't mind the ride, but the life jacket was another story!

The Driscoll family all together at once. It took some organizing, but we pulled it off!! The grandkids are all dressed in cute little July 4th outfits given by Grandma and Grandpa-thank you!

Pat, Olivia, and I at the lake.

Olivia celebrating her 1st birthday. It was great to have all the family with her on her 1st!

Opening presents!

Kristi with our newest nephew Ryan. He is such a cute baby!