I've been a little behind in getting the blog updated. Pat, Olivia, and I went to SD to have Olivia baptized and then I stayed another week to spend time with my new nephew-Ryan James (Heath and Kristi's), and the rest of the family. It was a much needed trip since it had been since Christmas that we've seen anybody. Since we've been home, we've been chasing Olivia
non-stop all over the house. She isn't walking
yet, but she is into everything and is one busy little girl! I can't get anything done unless she's napping, so I've had to put housework ahead of the blog. But, we had a wonderful time back home and was great to see the families. We really miss everyone!

Anna and Ethan with Olivia at the park in Mitchell.

Grandma Driscoll with all 5 grandkids-it wasn't an easy picture to get! How do the Froehlich's do it with 10 grandkids??

Olivia at the Sioux Falls Zoo-she was alseep for the outdoor animals and woke up when we went into the indoor displays. Hopefully soon we can take her again! I think she would love seeing all the animals.

Our new nephew/cousin-Ryan James. Congratulations Heath, Kristi, Anna, and Ethan!

Proud big sister Anna and big brother Ethan with Ryan

Grandma and Grandpa Driscoll with 4 of the grandkids at their home in Gettysburg. This was right before my brother Dan and I drove 4 hours back to Sioux Falls for Olivia and I's flight. We had all 4 kids with, and believe it or not-Olivia was the handful on the way home. The other 3 were saints. She just didn't like the car ride. Hopefully things will change when we drive 20 hours back to SD & IA this July-could be a long couple days.